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A Bit About Bob...

...and The Online Gallery for Bob's Visionary Art


I’ve always liked to draw, and fantasy was and is my favorite subject or form. While growing up, Disney’s “Fantasia,” and “Snow White” were inspirations for my imagination and my drawing, and that's how it all started.


Back in high school (in the Jurassic era!), I played in rock and roll bands. Music has been as much fun for me as my art, so I still play on weekends.


With the help and urging of my family I have finally started to get my work in friends’ and art lover’s hands and homes.


The pictures I create are meant to lighten up your work or home environment, and bring happiness to you and others who see them. The pleasure I get from creating art is making other people happy. It’s simple, and it’s true.


Thank you for visiting my site! I hope you find a piece or two that pleases you. 



North Wales, PA 19454, USA

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